
HEMA to host and sponsor Beyond Green 2017

September 11, 2017

Circle Economy and the Amsterdam Fashion Institute (AMFI) are delighted to announce HEMA as the lead sponsor and host for the 2017 edition of Beyond Green, held on October 20th at the HEMA headquarters in Amsterdam. Beyond Green is an annual symposium that uses the collective power of students and industry to design the future of fashion and tackle critical issues throughout the fashion system. This year, the theme is Beyond Blah Blah: 5 steps to circularity, where Circle Economy and AMFI will take both students and industry on a 5-step journey into circularity and introduce them to the latest tools, innovations, and know-how they need to challenge the status quo in the fashion and textiles world. HEMA, one of the biggest retailers in the Netherlands, is sponsoring and hosting the 2017 edition of the event. HEMA will also bring a sustainability challenge to the table in a half-day workshop, where select students will join forces with sustainability experts, entrepreneurs, and brands to design innovative solutions to real-life company challenges.

“HEMA is hosting Beyond Green - the annual symposium on the future of fashion – to stimulate knowledge about sustainable design. With a workshop to design out waste, HEMA is challenging the participants to take a deep dive into the world of one of the biggest retailers in the Netherlands and come up with circular solutions." - Eva Ronhaar, Head of Sustainability at HEMA

Beyond Green is a breeding ground for innovation and new connections. It brings the fashion industry and the world of circularity together in a new and dynamic way.

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