
Dutch Cities, Governments & Businesses Commit to Circularity Through City Deal

November 18, 2016

On Friday the 11th of October, our Director of Programmes, Klaske Kruk, together with Dutch mayors, government officials, knowledge centres and businesses, signed the City Deal: Circular City during the Dutch National Summit on Circular Economy, organised by VNG (an association for Dutch Municipalities).

Utrecht, 11 november 2016. Bestuurlijke top Circulaire Economie: Van Afval naar Grondstoffen. Ondertekening van de City Deal Circulaire Stad.

The City Deal's ambition is to move all participating cities towards circularity no later than 2050, an ambition echoed by the Dutch Government Wide Programme on the Circular Economy. The deal has now been signed by eight cities, but many more are eager to join. The signatories have agreed to first pinpoint the current barriers that stand in the way of successful implementation of circular projects. Once identified, they are committed to implementing concrete pilot projects and create a monitoring system to track each project’s progress and gain insights. A key to the success of their mission, the cities have agreed to enhance collaboration and knowledge sharing between them, through the creation of living labs.The eight cities who have already signed the City Deal aim to become frontrunners within the circular economy space. The city of Amsterdam has already demonstrated its ambition by being the world's first municipality to perform Circle Economy's City Circle Scan in 2015. The scan provided the city with insights into how it can create impact, now, with the help of Circle Economy and local government agencies, research centres and businesses.With Circle Economy's experience in creating implementable, action plans for cities and regions, our Circle Cities Team will be able to play a pivotal role in making the City Deal a reality.

About the City Deal: Circular City

The City Deal: ‘Circulaire Stad’ (Circular City) is one pillar of a nation wide government programme focused on transitioning to a circular economy. This deal was co-initiated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Dutch national government, The European Commission, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, several Dutch cities, social partners and businesses who are cooperating to stimulate healthy growth, liveability and innovation within Dutch and European cities. The City Deal: 'Circulaire Stad' has been signed by:

  • The municipality of Amsterdam
  • Almere
  • Apeldoorn
  • Haarlemmermeer
  • Rotterdam
  • Utrecht
  • Venlo
  • Dordrecht
  • Circle Economy
  • Royal Haskoning DHV
  • TNO Research
  • Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment
  • Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • Ministry of Housing and Civil Services
Utrecht, 11 november 2016. Bestuurlijke top Circulaire Economie: Van Afval naar Grondstoffen. Ondertekening van de City Deal Circulaire Stad.


The Circle Cities program identifies opportunities and aids in the creation of practical and scalable solutions to implement circular systems throughout a city. The programme developed the Circle Scan technique and several teaching and monitoring tools to accelerate the transition to a circular economy.

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